Community Associations for Environmental Sustainability

CAFES 2023 AGM Recap & Introducing the New Board

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our AGM on March 22nd! Over 75 of you joined us to hear about what we achieved in 2022, and to discuss what you appreciate about CAFES and what you hope to see from us in 2023. We had a chance to discuss what we appreciate about CAFES and what we hope to see over the next year. Here is what we heard in the member break-out session. We thanked our outgoing Board and welcomed a new one. We feel lucky to have such an engaged membership! 

You can watch the recording of the AGM below or at this link.

We would like to thank the outgoing CAFES board members for all of their hard work and dedication to contributing to CAFES and helping us grow as an organization. Thank you Liz Bernstein, Joan Freeman, Barbara Ramsay and Dinah Robinson. We are very excited to have a new Board! You can learn about our new Board members here.

Our new board has met now and we are looking forward to working with them!

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