Green Toastmasters
Green Toastmasters
- When:
- 10:55 am to 12:15 pm
- Where:
- Zoom
- Description:
Green/Vert Toastmasters - 1st Saturday of the month
Join us to practice skills in speaking, presenting, listening,and leadership. Our club provides a great environment for green-minded people,sustainability professionals, and anyone interested in improving theircommunication skills.
As a club, we value: Diversity, Participatory Democracy,Nonviolence, Sustainability, Ecological Wisdom, and Social Justice.
We are also proud to uphold the Toastmasters Internationalvalues of INTEGRITY, RESPECT, SERVICE, and EXCELLENCE.
Join us to build skills in public speaking, active listening,constructive feedback, and leadership!
More information: https://www.greentmvert.ca/
Questions? Ask James at greentmvert@gmail.com
Indigenous Drum Circle - Monthly
Indigenous Drum Circle - Monthly
- When:
- 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
- Where:
- Club de Tennis Orleans Tennis Club, 1257 Joseph Drouin Ave, Orléans, ON K1C 7B2, Canada
- Description:
Indigenous Drumming Circle - monthly Free No experience necessary. Everyone welcome - Indigenous, two-spirit, men, women, children, non-indigenous. Pierre Rocque Community Center a.k.a Orleans Tennis Club Bring your drum... we do have some drums available for use. Hosted by Indigenous Roots Ottawa. Send us a message to let us know you will attend: indigenousrootsottawa@gmail.com
Future Ready Conference
Future Ready Conference
- When:
- 9:30 am to 4:00 pm
- Where:
- Richcraft Atrium, Carleton University
- Description:
Future Ready Conference - An event dedicated to exploring the importance of science, engineering and policy reform for climate resiliency. Future Ready has been organized by a passionate group of students at Carleton University who are looking to make a difference. Hear unique perspectives from our speakers, network with industry experts and engage with like-minded people!
Tickets are $10 and can be purchased here: Future Ready Conference Ticket – CSES. Tickets include lunch and refreshments, and entry for both days.
Workshop Community Gardening and Green Initiatives Workshop by the Peoples Official Plan Coalition
Workshop Community Gardening and Green Initiatives Workshop by the Peoples Official Plan Coalition
- When:
- 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
- Where:
- Trinity United Church, 1099 Maitland Ave
- Description:
Saturday February 8
10:00am – 3:00pm
Trinity United Church
1099 Maitland Ave, Ottawa
Please consider carpooling if you can.
This important workshop is for organizations and groups with experience in community gardening, green initiatives and stewardship of public land including: food gardens; pollinator gardens; regeneration; invasive species identification and control; naturalization; etc. We will discuss and listen to broad perspectives and share current challenges in order to proactively prioritize and align action items prior to the March Ottawa City Council meetings regarding:
- The Community Garden Action Plan (discussed at the Community and Social Services Committee)
- Use of and Planting within the Right of Way (Garden Boulevard) (discussed at the Transportation Committee)
The forum will include plenary discussions and breakout sessions to discuss specific and shared concerns related to planting on public lands in Ottawa (mainly City of Ottawa lands, but could include NCC lands, institutional lands - schools, hospitals, etc.).
Topics will include, but not be restricted to:
- Community food gardening
- Pollinator/native plant gardening
- Invasive plant control
- Rewilding/Naturalization (including any policies that interfere with this)
- Tree planting
- Insurance
- Community Engagement in setting policy and operational aspects related to planting on public lands
By attending this workshop you will have the opportunity to communicate your ideas and share your expertise; and to engage with others who are passionate about gardening and greening initiatives. Your participation will help positively impact city policy and planning for the next 10 years.
Please use this registration form.
We hope to see you or a group/organization representative there!
For more info please contact Harry Fischer, ottawagarden1957@gmail.com, 613 293 7173
Please note that Trinity United Church is a plastic bottle free zone.
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Future Ready Conference
Future Ready Conference
- When:
- 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Where:
- Richcraft Atrium, Carleton University
- Description:
Future Ready Conference - An event dedicated to exploring the importance of science, engineering and policy reform for climate resiliency. Future Ready has been organized by a passionate group of students at Carleton University who are looking to make a difference. Hear unique perspectives from our speakers, network with industry experts and engage with like-minded people!
Tickets are $10 and can be purchased here: Future Ready Conference Ticket – CSES. Tickets include lunch and refreshments, and entry for both days.
CKCU FM 93.1: Angela's Climate Corner
CKCU FM 93.1: Angela's Climate Corner
- When:
- 8:15 am to 9:15 am
- Description:
Angela's Climate Corner: on the Second Monday of every month, tune in to CKCU FM 93.1 Morning Blend program from 8-9am to hear CAFES' Executive Director, Angela Keller-Herzog, speak climate issues going on in the city of Ottawa with hosts Nathanael Newton and Chris White. https://cod.ckcufm.com/programs/index.html
All-Candidate Debate on Public Transit
All-Candidate Debate on Public Transit
- When:
- 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
- Where:
- Jack Purcell Community Centre and Pool, 320 Jack Purcell Ln, Ottawa, ON K2P 2J5, Canada
- Description:
Ottawa Transit Riders is hosting an Ottawa-area provincial election candidates debate on public transit on Monday, February 10, 2025 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM at the Jack Purcell Community Centre, located at 320 Jack Purcell Ln in Ottawa, Room 203. Ottawa Transit Riders is a non-partisan, membership-based, advocacy group, working to make Ottawa’s transit system more affordable, reliable, accessible, and safe for users. Candidates will represent the Liberal Party of Ontario, Ontario PC’s, Ontario NDP and Green Party of Ontario. Please arrive by 6:45 pm for a prompt start at 7.
See Poster Here
Council of Canadians Ottawa Chapter - monthly meeting
Council of Canadians Ottawa Chapter - monthly meeting
- When:
- 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm
- Description:
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Social Gathering Seniors For Climate Action Now
Social Gathering Seniors For Climate Action Now
- When:
- 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm
- Where:
- Beaverbrook Community Centre
- Description:
Join your hosts Seniors for Climate Action Now (SCAN Ottawa) https://www.facebook.com/share/18ToxDdosz/
Feb 13 12:30
Give the Earth a Valentine: a get together for Ottawa SCAN! members and friends.
Come and enjoy a home-made lunch, meet others who care about the climate chaos and make some new friends.
Beaverbrook Community Centre
1002 Beaverbrook Road, Kanata
Climate Fresk Citizens' Workshop: Trend-Arlington CC
Climate Fresk Citizens' Workshop: Trend-Arlington CC
- When:
- 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
- Where:
- Trend-Arlington Community Centre, 50 Bellman Drive, Ottawa, ON K2H 8S3, Canada
- Description:
Climate Fresk Citizens' Workshop: Trend-Arlington CC
5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Trend-Arlington Community Centre, 50 Bellman Drive, Ottawa, ON K2H 8S3, Canada
Citizens' Workshop: Climate Change Through a Climate Fresk Lens
The Climate Fresk is a French nonprofit founded in December 2018 by Professor Cédric Ringenbach. Climate Fresk’s aim is to raise public awareness about climate change and at the same time facilitate participants into taking action against climate change.
The 3 hour adult workshop is intended to be simple, fun, visual, creative and engaging and yet at the same time informative and transformative. It is based on 42 cards that summarize the work of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). Participants create a fresco, hence "fresk", by laying out and connecting the cards to reveal the interconnectedness of the “causes” and “consequences” of climate change. Ample time is left at the end of the session for the participants to explore opportunities for action.
The workshop is provided by trained facilitators and the international success of the Climate Fresk format speaks for itself. Over 2.0 million people have now participated in a workshop with 89k+ going on to be trained as facilitators. Workshops are available in over 150 countries and 45+ languages.
Climate Fresk (world) – Climate Fresk
Climate Fresk workshops are relatively new to Ottawa/Gatineau and the local organizers hope for a broad-based and expansive growth similar to what has happened internationally.
Whether you're exploring these topics for the first time or seeking to deepen your understanding, this workshop offers valuable insights and fosters community connections. Ages 17+
Register here:
Green Drinks Ottawa
Green Drinks Ottawa
- When:
- 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
- Where:
- Good Eats Cafe, 207 Bell St N, Ottawa, ON K1R 5B8, Canada
- Description:
Come and join us at Green Drinks Ottawa for interesting People, and inspiring green conversation. The Green Networking starts at 5:30pm.
DATE: 2nd Thursday of every month TIME: 5:30pm- 9ish
NEW LOCATION:GOOD EATS 207 Bell St N, Ottawa, ON K1R 5B8
Haven’t attended a Green Drinks event before? Want to know more? See more info HERE
Can't make it in person ?
Zoom link
=========================================== Info for presenters Green Drinks is an open invitation to anyone studying, working, or just interested in all things that are green, sustainable, and environmental. It is active in 389 cities worldwide
Are you interested in presenting your green products, services, sustainable ideas or association goals or even your interests to inspire great conversation? SPEAKER - ANNOUNCER FORM !
- 6:00-6:30 a 30 min Presentation
- 6:00 Open for short announcements. If people want more info they can join you at your table.
- Networking
Pre-election Province-wide Public Town Hall -Ottawa Climate Emergency Campaign (OCEC)
Pre-election Province-wide Public Town Hall -Ottawa Climate Emergency Campaign (OCEC)
- When:
- 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
- Where:
- Description:
Ottawa Climate Emergency Campaign (OCEC) Pre-election Province-wide Public Town Hall Learn more
Join industry experts for a non-partisan online event that will help you understand the critical issues impacting Ontario.
With an Ontario election looming, we all need to understand the critical election issues that affect us most. How will your vote impact your cost of living, health, housing and insurability, access to food, and more? Find out by joining this interactive OCEC non-partisan Town Hall. Hear key policy records of each party and an expert panelists’ discussion of the real-life impacts of those policies on you and your loved ones. Ask our panelists your questions during the Q+A to follow.
1) Register for the OCEC pre-election Town Hall and materials. Can't attend? Register anyways for a recording.
2) Share this link with as many other Ontarians as possible to register themselves and pass it on!
OCEC needs to reach as many people as possible to deliver the facts on top of mind voter issues at this critical time. We’re reaching out to OCEC members and supporters to harness the collective power of OCEC’s massive coalition of over 275 Group Signatories plus Individual members, together representing about 850,000 Ontarians, to reach further beyond!
The last Ontario election led to a majority government elected with only 18% of eligible voters and the lowest voter turnout in Ontario history. By pulling together the collective power of every Ontarian included in OCEC and amplifying beyond OCEC through this campaign, we can make a real difference in our own lives. Please consider completing this brief survey to have a say in our messaging options.
Sign up! Take action! Share widely! And stay tuned for valuable pre-election information. At this pivotal moment, let’s work together to vote for the better future we all deserve and want.
Thank you,
The OCEC Team
(Questions? Contact ocec.info1@gmail.com)
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Green Toastmasters
Green Toastmasters
- When:
- 10:55 am to 12:15 pm
- Where:
- Zoom
- Description:
Green/Vert Toastmasters - 3rd Saturday of the month
Join us to practice skills in speaking, presenting, listening,and leadership. Our club provides a great environment for green-minded people,sustainability professionals, and anyone interested in improving theircommunication skills.
As a club, we value: Diversity, Participatory Democracy,Nonviolence, Sustainability, Ecological Wisdom, and Social Justice.
We are also proud to uphold the Toastmasters Internationalvalues of INTEGRITY, RESPECT, SERVICE, and EXCELLENCE.
Join us to build skills in public speaking, active listening,constructive feedback, and leadership!
More information: https://greentmvert.ca/
Questions? Ask James at greentmvert@gmail.com
Great Backyard Bird Count
Great Backyard Bird Count
- When:
- 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
- Where:
- 1 Donald St, Ottawa, ON K1K 4E6
- Description:
🦆 Join us for the annual Great Backyard Bird Count this Sunday, February 16th at 10 AM!
Meet us at Adawe Crossing/Rideau Sports Center (1 Donald Street).
❄️ If it’s cold and icy, don’t forget your ice grippers and binoculars! Being a friend and see you there!
More info & poster!
Climate Fresk Citizens' Workshop: Westboro/Dovercourt RC
Climate Fresk Citizens' Workshop: Westboro/Dovercourt RC
- When:
- 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
- Where:
- Dovercourt Recreation Centre, 411 Dovercourt Ave, Ottawa, ON K2A 0S9, Canada
- Description:
Climate Fresk Citizens' Workshop: Westboro/Dovercourt RC
5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Dovercourt Recreation Centre, 411 Dovercourt Ave, Ottawa, ON K2A 0S9, Canada
Citizens' Workshop: Climate Change Through a Climate Fresk Lens
The Climate Fresk is a French nonprofit founded in December 2018 by Professor Cédric Ringenbach. Climate Fresk’s aim is to raise public awareness about climate change and at the same time facilitate participants into taking action against climate change.
The 3 hour adult workshop is intended to be simple, fun, visual, creative and engaging and yet at the same time informative and transformative. It is based on 42 cards that summarize the work of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). Participants create a fresco, hence "fresk", by laying out and connecting the cards to reveal the interconnectedness of the “causes” and “consequences” of climate change. Ample time is left at the end of the session for the participants to explore opportunities for action.
The workshop is provided by trained facilitators and the international success of the Climate Fresk format speaks for itself. Over 2.0 million people have now participated in a workshop with 89k+ going on to be trained as facilitators. Workshops are available in over 150 countries and 45+ languages.
Climate Fresk (world) – Climate Fresk
Climate Fresk workshops are relatively new to Ottawa/Gatineau and the local organizers hope for a broad-based and expansive growth similar to what has happened internationally.
Whether you're exploring these topics for the first time or seeking to deepen your understanding, this workshop offers valuable insights and fosters community connections. Ages 17+
Register here:
Eco Farm Day (hosted by Canadian Organic Growers and Just Food)
Eco Farm Day (hosted by Canadian Organic Growers and Just Food)
- When:
- 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
- Where:
- Kemptville Campus, 40 Campus Dr, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0, Canada
- Description:
Eco Farm Day 2025: Healthy Farmers Growing Healthy Farms
Eco Farm Day brings together established farmers and new farmers with related businesses interested in food and farming in Eastern Ontario & Western Quebec. At the event, participants learn, engage, and connect on current technical and business issues that matter in the organic sector through a series of panels, presentations, farmer-to-farmer sessions and one-on-one discussions with exhibitors.
Eco Farm Day 2025 will take place on Saturday, February 22nd at the Kemptville Campus.
Eco Farm Day 2025 welcomes our Keynote Speaker: Steve Kenyon!
About Steve Kenyon:
For over 25 years, Steve Kenyon has been custom grazing on leased land near Edmonton, Alberta under the name of Greener Pastures Ranching Ltd. By using extended grazing techniques, he is able to pasture cattle year-round. This is done by using a combination of regenerative and dormant season grazing as well as swath grazing, crop residue and bale grazing.
Steve has been teaching sustainable grazing management along with agricultural economics for more than 20 years. He has been a keynote speaker at many conferences and seminars throughout Canada, the U.S. and Europe. He has also been a writer for the Stockman Grass Farmer and Canadian Cattleman magazines for over 15 years, as well as the creator and host of the ongoing Wednesday Night Networking webinar and podcast.
Steve has become well respected in the agriculture community for his business management practices and innovative ideas.
Greener Pastures Ranching is a regenerative farm with environmental goals focused on creating a living soil, healing the water cycle and rebuilding ecosystems. Our mission statement is “Economic and Environmental Sustainability for Generations.”
It is important to us to provide an enjoyable, profitable and sustainable business for future generations.
Visit the event page HERE: https://ottawa.cog.ca/eco-farm-days-organic-farming/
Eco Farm Day 2025 is delivered in partnership with COG-OSO & Just Food at Kemptville Campus.
South March BESS Project Open House
South March BESS Project Open House
- When:
- 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm
- Where:
- 3088 Dunrobin Rd, Dunrobin, ON K0A 1T0, Canada
- Description:
On Sunday, Feb. 23 from 1 to 6 p.m. at WCSS (3088 Dunrobin Rd.) representatives from Evolugen will answer questions and provide information on their project during a South March BESS Open House.
More info on the project here https://www.getchargedottawa.ca/
Climate Fresk Citizens' Workshop: Trend-Arlington CC
Climate Fresk Citizens' Workshop: Trend-Arlington CC
- When:
- 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
- Where:
- Trend-Arlington Community Centre, 50 Bellman Drive, Ottawa, ON K2H 8S3, Canada
- Description:
Climate Fresk Citizens' Workshop: Trend-Arlington CC
5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Trend-Arlington Community Centre, 50 Bellman Drive, Ottawa, ON K2H 8S3, Canada
Citizens' Workshop: Climate Change Through a Climate Fresk Lens
The Climate Fresk is a French nonprofit founded in December 2018 by Professor Cédric Ringenbach. Climate Fresk’s aim is to raise public awareness about climate change and at the same time facilitate participants into taking action against climate change.
The 3 hour adult workshop is intended to be simple, fun, visual, creative and engaging and yet at the same time informative and transformative. It is based on 42 cards that summarize the work of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). Participants create a fresco, hence "fresk", by laying out and connecting the cards to reveal the interconnectedness of the “causes” and “consequences” of climate change. Ample time is left at the end of the session for the participants to explore opportunities for action.
The workshop is provided by trained facilitators and the international success of the Climate Fresk format speaks for itself. Over 2.0 million people have now participated in a workshop with 89k+ going on to be trained as facilitators. Workshops are available in over 150 countries and 45+ languages.
Climate Fresk (world) – Climate Fresk
Climate Fresk workshops are relatively new to Ottawa/Gatineau and the local organizers hope for a broad-based and expansive growth similar to what has happened internationally.
Whether you're exploring these topics for the first time or seeking to deepen your understanding, this workshop offers valuable insights and fosters community connections. Ages 17+
Register here: