Community Associations for Environmental Sustainability

Fridays for Future Climate March

Mark your calendars! This year's Fridays for Future Ottawa-Gatineau Climate March will be taking place on Saturday, September 21st 2024 at 11:00am. You heard right - Fridays for Future will be occupying a Saturday!

Interested in attending or getting involved? Check out this link to explore the many different ways you can "plug in" to this event by donating, following Fridays for Future Ottawa on social media, spreading the word, attending the march, volunteering, or helping to organize the event.

If interested in volunteering, head straight to the registration link to indicate your interests in volunteering to make signs, hand out posters, support social media and web design, marshall at the event, fundraise, and lots more!

The gathering will begin at Ottawa's City Hall at 110 Laurier Avenue and the rally will continue at several locations around the city. The intent for this year's march at City Hall is to call out the climate culprits and demand that our leaders step up to put an end to fossil fuels. We need an immediate transition to renewable energy that is just and equitable, and together we can make a difference.

Stay tuned for more information by visiting the Fridays for Future Ottawa website.

Check out some of the amazing photos below of last year's impactful and memorable climate march. We can't wait to see you this year on September 21st!

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