CAFES is proud to be part of a collective led by Gentle Ways for our Planet striving to boost the adoption of green bins and green bin use in multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs).
Are you living in an apartment building? Are you up for an initiative where you reach out to people in your building to do better? Read on, check out the project kit, and welcome to the Green Bin Program. The project aims to reduce waste, prevent the expansion of landfills and greenhouse gas emissions from organics in landfills.
In line with the City's multi-residential waste diversion strategy, as of June 2022, any property that starts receiving the City’s collection services is required to participate in the Green Bin Program. Multi-residential properties already receiving City waste collection can continue to sign up for the program voluntarily for the remainder of 2022, with strenthened directives expected in 2023.
The goal is to progressively reduce the organic waste in our trash to Zero. The kit has communication tools such as a letter to the building’s owner or board of directors, the people you need to engage, and the tools you need for a kiosk in your building to raise awareness about the Program. The kit also includes a beautiful and useful brochure that outlines clearly and succinctly everything one needs to know to start implementing the Program.
Step by Step Guide to Promote the Green Bin Program in your Building