In October 2024, the People's Official Plan Coalition (POP) submitted feedback to the City of Ottawa's planning and zoning team on Draft 1 of the new comprehensive Zoning By-law. The first draft of the new by-law was released in May 2024, and was followed by a public review period.
POP's submission, which is available below, provided comments, recommendations and specific metrics on zoning policies and provisions relating to equity, housing, a 15-minute city, food systems, trees and greenspaces. As Ottawa continues to adapt to accelerating climate change and increasing intensification, POP has demonstrated strong support for a compact city that is green, just, and livable for all.
POP is concerned with implementing more effective policies to ensure equitable housing opportunities with respect to rentals, demographic needs, emergency and temporary housing, and 15-minute neighbourhoods. The submission made recommendations that the second draft of the Zoning By-law should integrate a food security systems lens with clear linkages to the city's recently approved Poverty Reduction Strategy. POP also strongly advocated for creating and preserving soft landscaping space for canopy trees through required soil volumes, larger setbacks and soft landscaping minimums. The submission emphasized the need for zoning to support climate mitigation and green stormwater engineering. The recommended metrics for trees and greenspaces were further supported by the research presented in version 3.0 of the Trees and Zoning position paper by CAFES Ottawa.
Check out the submission below, and please contact to share any of your comments, questions or suggestions!
The Peoples Official Plan (POP) coalition is composed of over 20 not-for-profit organizations representing tens of thousands of Ottawans. POP advocates for more progressive municipal policy for better and more sustainable transit, housing equity, climate change mitigation and adaptation, greenspace for all, equity and inclusion, sustainable waste management, and food security. CAFES is an active member of POP.